
If I could paint you.

If I could paint you, it would be in the dark, smoky colors of a blues song. All raspy lyrics and sultry melodies. The red neon light making you seem as if you were glowing from within.

If I could paint you, I would show you the softness I see. The softest of smiles and the absolute joy in your eyes. The desire resting lightly on your lips.

If I could paint you, I would paint you in the hues of my love and my desire, showing you just how important you are to me. How integral you've become to my life in such a relatively short time. 

If I could paint you, maybe, just maybe you could see just how I see you. All of your imperfections and what you consider flaws and all of those amazingly wonderful things that make you, you. The perfection that is you in my eyes.